Starting 2023 with a new partnership

TRU29‘s slogan “growing together” is very much alive with a new partnership on the first month if this new year.

At TRU29, every transaction is veiwed as a “business partnership” instead of the usual service provider-client relationship as they believe that outsourcing is a business strategy that can contribute to both party’s growth.

The new partnership of TRU29 is with one of the leading pawnshop & money changer firm in the Philippines – CVM!

The first branch of CVM opened to the public on January 16, 2005, in Rosario, Pasig City, quickly followed by a second branch at the New Taytay Public Market in Rizal. Now with 100+ branches nationwide, CVM Pawnshop has become the country’s top gadget pawnshop.

Outsourcing of CVM’s Social Media Management allows CVM to focus more on growing its services to the general public. Every client that has outsourced it’s Social Media Management to TRU29‘s is assured of their expertise as this was gained through years of exposure on this field. An exposure going all the way back in the early 2000’s when social media’s utilization in business is still in its infancy.

If you want to know more about outsourcing your Social Media Management, feel free to contact us via